Cross Point India

It’s not unusual for me to be at a different Cross Point Campus each Sunday.  That’s one of the great things about my job… I get to experience ministry in the context of that local campus.  Each campus has it’s own strengths and uniquenesses.

This past Sunday I traveled literally half way around the world to visit Cross Point India, our campus located in the village of Ghoraghata, just outside of Kolkata.

It seems I can’t get away from space challenges at any of our campuses!  Cross Point India may need a larger worship space more urgently than any of our other campuses. 🙂

In addition to worshiping with this community on Sunday, we were able to do VBS with the kids and play a dusty game of soccer.

Then we returned today to meet with the women who are a part of the vocational school that Cross Point India hosts.  These women are taught vocational skills that enable them to get better paying jobs.

The women pictured here are making jewelry.  I think our team single-handedly purchased everything thing they have made!

During our time with these lovely women, the ladies from our team shared our favorite scripture and a few encouraging words.  In addition these women shared stories of how God is working in their lives.  Their faith astounds me!

While Cross Point India may be half a world away, the heart and the spirit of this church is so much the same!

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  • Jeffkinney February 17, 2012  

    Hey Jenni,

    Awesome post! Can you tell me what a typical Sunday service would look like at this campus? Is it live teaching or video? What constitutes it being a campus of CrossPoint? I know there are hundreds of definitions of what a “campus” is or can be in our Multisite world, but I’m interested in how CrossPoint cares, manages and resources a campus halfway around the world!

    At Seacoast we get offers all of the time to do campuses in other countries but we worry our culture of the deep south will not translate outside of the US. We are very interested in looking into it, so please share all your wisdom.